How to Measure Temperature and Humidity with DHT Sensor

DHT sensors are used to measure the humidity and temperature of the surroundings. They are widely used in IoT and Industrial applications. By the end of this article, you will be able to operate the DHT sensor with Arduino, to measure the temperature and the humidity of your environment.

Required Components:

1.      Arduino Circuit Board

2.      DHT 11 or DHT 22

3.      Jumper wires

Circuit Diagram

DHT sensors come in two forms;

·        In form of a sensor

DHT-11 Sensor
DHT-22 Sensor

Here we have 4 terminals, VCC, DATA, NC, GND (moving from left to right)


VCC à 5V of Arduino

DATA à Digital Pin 4(If you change pin number, make a change in code as well)

NC à Leave Disconnected

GND à Arduino GND 

Note: DHT-22 sensor will have the same pin configuration as shown above.

·        In form of Module

DHT-11 Module

DHT-22 Module

Here we have 3 terminals, GND, DATA, VCC (moving from left to right) 


GND à Arduino GND

DATA à Digital Pin 4(If you change pin number, make a change in code as well)

VCC à 5V of Arduino

Note: DHT 22 sensor will have the same pin configuration as shown above.


To use this code, you would need to install the DHT.h library. Click here, to download the zip file, and include it in your Arduino IDE. For a tutorial check how to install the DHT.h library.

After installing DHT.h library, upload the following code to your Arduino Board.

Demo Video

For a better understanding watch the following project video. The video includes the Hardware Setup and a Working Description of the project.


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