How To Make Line Follower Using Three IR Sensor | Arduino Line Following Car
Line Follower Cars are autonomous cars that follow a given route. We have already learned to make a Line Following Car using 2 IR sensors to follow easy tracks . Today we'll make a Line following car using Arduino and 3 IR sensors , that will precisely follow a black line over a white surface , take sharp 90 degree turns and easily follow high curvature curves . Before moving ahead, make sure you understand the Working Mechanism of IR Sensor and learn how to make 2 IR Sensor Line Follower Robot . This project is an upgrade of 2 IR Sensor Line Follower Robot. Hardware Setup Components Required: Arduino UNO Motor Driver L298N Car Chassis (Car Frame | 2 x DC gear Motor | 2 x Tires) Jumper Cables 3 x IR Sensor Car Assembly: The first step is to assemble the car chassis. To learn more about assembly, refer to this article: Assemble Car Chassis . For visual demonstration refer to this video: Assemble Car Chassis . Circuit Diagram: Software Setup Arduino needs to be...