How to use MS Teams with Arduino Nano | Use Arduino as Keyboard
Have your classes, offices and meetings also shifted to online platforms like Zoom and MS Teams ? Well, ours have. And so we had an idea. Let's control MS Teams using Arduino Nano! In this project we will implement Key Mapping using Arduino Nano . The concept is to cause a trigger or action on desktop/laptop when a switch attached to Arduino Nano is pressed. For example, when we press the switch connected to digital pin 2, it receives High input which triggers keyboard control CTRL-Shift-C, which is a shortcut for MS Teams to start a call. Now that we know the concept, let's work on implementation. Software Implementation Download AAC Keys Program The command to be executed on desktop upon button press is transmitted serially through USB connection of Arduino Nano with Laptop. As in the example discussed above, once we press the switch, the corresponding code for CTRL-SHIFT-C will is sent serially from Arduino Nano to the laptop. To make our Desktops USB port act as a Sera...