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How to use MS Teams with Arduino Nano | Use Arduino as Keyboard

Have your classes, offices and meetings also shifted to online platforms like Zoom and MS Teams ? Well, ours have. And so we had an idea. Let's control MS Teams using Arduino Nano! In this project we will implement Key Mapping using Arduino Nano . The concept is to cause a trigger or action on desktop/laptop when a switch attached to Arduino Nano is pressed. For example, when we press the switch connected to digital pin 2, it receives High input which triggers keyboard control CTRL-Shift-C, which is a shortcut for MS Teams to start a call. Now that we know the concept, let's work on implementation. Software Implementation Download AAC Keys Program The command to be executed on desktop upon button press is transmitted serially through USB connection of Arduino Nano with Laptop. As in the example discussed above, once we press the switch, the corresponding code for CTRL-SHIFT-C will is sent serially from Arduino Nano to the laptop. To make our Desktops USB port act as a Sera...

How To Make RC Car At Home With Arduino | Bluetooth RC Car

  Introduction: Remote Controlled Cars, commonly known as RC Cars, have been a source of enjoyment and amusement for people of all ages. Racing with friends or mastering your driving skills, RC cars are packed with action. In Today's Article of the Car Series, we bring you the making of an RC car. Powered by Arduino and connected via Bluetooth to your cellular device, this car offers you more than just driving. It gives you a sense of satisfaction and control. So, read the article till the end and learn something cool today! Required Components: To make this the project you need the following components: 1.       Arduino Circuit Board 2.       Motor Driver L298N 3.       2W Car Chassis 4.       Bluetooth Module HC-05 5.       Battery (~15V) 6.       Jumper Wires (generic) Circuit Diagram: Follow this circuit di...

Obstacle Avoiding Car Using Servo Motor | How to use Servo Motor with Obstacle Avoiding Robot

  Introduction: We are glad that you Avoided many obstacles and found a straight path, just like our Obstacle Avoiding Robot. Do you want your Obstacle Avoiding Robot to solve a maze? Do you want to Upgrade your Obstacle Avoiding Robot? Today, we will be making an obstacle-avoiding robot using Servo Motor. Go through this article till the end and make your Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Servo Motor.   What is Servo Motor?  The servo motor is a closed-loop mechanism that incorporates positional feedback in order to control the rotational or linear speed and position. The motor is controlled with an electric signal, either analog or digital, which determines the amount of movement which represents the final command position for the shaft. Components Required: 1)     Arduino Uno 2)     Car Chassis 3)     Motor Driver L298N 4)     Servo Motor 5)     Ultrasonic Sensor 6)   ...

How To Make Line Follower Car with Speed Control | 6 IR Sensor Arduino Line Following Car

It's easy to make a robot that follows a line or smooth curves, but it becomes challenging to design the line follower robot when its track is complex. But we got you covered. Using 6 sensors and speed control of our car, we'll design our fast and advanced line following robot.  Before starting on this advanced project make sure you understand How Does An IR Sensor Works  and have tried making 2 Sensor Line Follower or 3 Sensor Line Follower . Hardware Setup Components Required Arduino UNO Motor Driver L298N 6 x IR Sensors (1 x TCRT5000 & 1 x HX-01) Car Chassis (Base & Motors & Wheel & Caster Wheel) 12V Battery Pack Jumper Cables Car Chassis Assembly Circuit Diagram Note: For speed control remove the tiny black jumper covering ENA and ENB pins on L298N. Make sure they are covered when not using the speed control, else project may not work. Software Setup Reading Analog Values of IR Sensor In our previous projects, we read digital values from IR Sensor - 0 for...

Street Lights Automation | How to Use LDR With Arduino

   Introduction: At some point in our lives, we have wondered how the Street Lights work? Is there a person controlling these lights? Is it timed according to the duration of the day? All of this happens with the help of an LDR (Light Dependent Resistor). In this article, we will be making a project to automate street lights with LDR. So read the article till the end.   Required Components: To make the project you need the following components: 1.       Arduino Circuit Board 2.       LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) 3.       5 ✕ LEDs 4.       5 ✕ 220Ω Resistors 5.       1 ✕ 10k Ω Resistor 6.       Breadboard 7.       Jumper Wires Circuit Diagram: Follow this circuit diagram to patch the circuit. 1.       Digital Pin 4 → Positive End of LEDs 2.  ...

How to Make Traffic Lights Using Arduino Uno | Make Traffic Control System

Introduction Vehicles moving on-road may cause unpredictable accidents leading to colossal loss of mass and life. But what is that causing the orderly movement of Vehicles? Traffic Control System. It is used to avoid accidents and to control the flow of traffic. In this project, we will be using Arduino Uno to control the timings of Led in each direction, and with this, we will guide our vehicles to move towards a particular direction. As we know, in the traffic Control System, the green led refers to move, Red is to stop, and Orange is to get ready or to slow down. We have considered Four Directions, When the Green led of Direction 1 is ON, this indicates that all the vehicles from Direction 2,3, and 4 should move towards Direction 1. Meanwhile, all the other directions i.e. those in which orange or green is not turned ON, have their red led turned ON. Afterward, Orange led of direction 2 turns ON, this indicates that all the vehicles from direction 1, 3, and 4 should get ready to m...

How To Make Line Follower Using Three IR Sensor | Arduino Line Following Car

Line Follower Cars are autonomous cars that follow a given route. We have already learned to make a Line Following Car using 2 IR sensors to follow easy tracks . Today we'll make a Line following car using Arduino and 3 IR sensors , that will precisely follow a black line over a white surface , take sharp 90 degree turns and easily follow high curvature curves . Before moving ahead, make sure you understand the Working Mechanism of IR Sensor and learn how to make 2 IR Sensor Line Follower Robot . This project is an upgrade of 2 IR Sensor Line Follower Robot.  Hardware Setup Components Required: Arduino UNO Motor Driver L298N Car Chassis (Car Frame | 2 x DC gear Motor | 2 x Tires) Jumper Cables 3 x IR Sensor  Car Assembly: The first step is to assemble the car chassis. To learn more about assembly, refer to this article:  Assemble Car Chassis . For visual demonstration refer to this video:  Assemble Car Chassis . Circuit Diagram: Software Setup Arduino needs to be...